The refurbished Kvassheim lighthouse complex. June 2010.

The refurbished Kvassheim lighthouse complex. June 2010.

Kvassheim harbour.

The refurbished Kvassheim lighthouse complex. June 2010.

Detail of bay window in the café.

The new kitchen.

New connecting passage at ground level, seen from the café.

Kvassheim lighthouse and outdoor centre. New exhibition building to the right.

Site plan. New exhibition building in blue.

Plan basement (left) and main level (right).

Plan main level (left) and loft (right).

Plan loft.

Kvassheim lighthouse is located on a stony beach surrounded by fields near the National Tourist Route Jæren, and it is being developed as a centre for exploring the coastal landscape. The original complex comprised five buildings, which have been connected and added to with three new structures. The protected silhouette of the complex has been respected in the development, which has focused on functional refurbishment. The complex contains a hiker’s shelter, café and exhibitions. There are plans for overnight accommodation.